This podcast is for transportation planners and enthusiasts who want to learn PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS to modern day transportation challenges. Learn step-by-step how to plan for new and emerging technologies, increasing e-commerce, resiliency, micromobility, and equity, just to name a few. Co-hosts, Keli Kemp and Kirsten Mote, are certified transportation planners, national experts, and thought leaders at Modern Mobility Partners, a female and minority-owned transportation planning and engineering consulting firm in Atlanta, GA. For more information, visit www.modernmobilitypartners.com.
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Ep. 5: 6 Steps to Addressing Equity in Safety Planning and Engineering
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Episode Summary: Listen to national experts and certified planners, Keli Kemp and Kirsten Mote, and guest Malaika Faciane, all with Modern Mobility Partners, talk about what planners and engineers can do to plan for equitable safety in transportation. Listeners will learn the following in Episode 5:
- The value of inclusivity and engaging the community
- How to identify key performance indicators for equity in safety
- How to establish your metrics with an equitable mindset
- Reasons and ways to apply an integrated approach to addressing safety challenges
- Benefits of looking at the transportation system as a whole, when identifying safety solutions
- Importance of considering equity and the disproportionate impacts of safety on underserved communities when deciding on where to invest in infrastructure
- Making Our Roads Safer; 28 Proven Safety Countermeasures that offer significant and measurable impacts to improving safety https://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/provencountermeasures/pdf/FHWA-SA-21-071_PSC%20Booklet_508.pdf
- Vision Zero Equity Strategies for Practitioners http://visionzeronetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/VisionZero_Equity.pdf
- Exploring Best Practices for Equity in Transportation https://www.nsc.org/safety-first/exploring-best-practices-for-equity-in-transportat
- At the Intersection of Active Transportation and Equity https://saferoutespartnership.org/resources/report/intersection-active-transportation-equity
- Keli Kemp, AICP, PTP has almost 25 years of experience in transportation planning and consulting and co-founded Modern Mobility Partners in in early 2018 with Jennifer Zhan. Keli holds a M.S. degree in Urban Planning from Texas A&M University.
- Kirsten Mote, AICP has over 13 years of experience in transportation planning and most recently got certified by MIT’s Media Lab in their Beyond Smart Cities program. Kirsten holds a M.S. in City Planning from Georgia Tech and is the Director of Smart Mobility Planning at Modern Mobility Partners.
Guest Speaker:
- Malaika Faciane, PE, PTOE, RSP2I has over 17 years of experience in traffic and transportation engineering with special interest in multimodal roadway safety. Malaika holds a Master of Engineering (MEng) degree in Civil Engineering from Imperial College London and is a Senior Traffic Engineer at Modern Mobility Partners.
Modern Mobility Partners is an Atlanta-based women and minority-owned transportation planning and traffic engineering consulting firm. Service areas include transportation planning, travel demand modeling, traffic and revenue forecasting, traffic engineering, project prioritization and performance measures, funding strategies and grant applications, all looking through a lens of new and emerging technologies.
If you are interested in learning more about Modern Mobility Partners, please visit www.modernmobilitypartners.com. If you are interested in becoming a guest on our podcast, please email podcast@modernmobilitypartners.com.
Friday Jan 28, 2022
Friday Jan 28, 2022
Episode Summary: Listen to national experts and certified planners, Keli Kemp and Kirsten Mote, and guest Candace Foster, all with Modern Mobility Partners, talk about what planners can do to plan for anti-displacement and more equitable transportation systems. Listeners will learn the following in Episode 1:
- What we mean by transportation equity
- The direction of equity in transportation when it comes to federal initiatives and transportation grants
- Potential negative impacts transportation projects can have on communities
- The importance of inclusivity and the role of community engagement in transportation equity
- 5 steps to planning anti-displacement strategies
- Download free cheat sheet of 5 Steps to Planning Anti-Displacement Strategies at: modernmobilitypartners.com
- Read our white paper “Anti-Displacement Strategies for Equitable Transportation Planning” at: https://modernmobilitypartners.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Anti-Displacement-Strategies-for-Equitable-Transportation-Planning.pdf
- Atlanta Land Trust: https://atlantalandtrust.org/
- Community Benefit Agreement (CBA) Toolkit: https://www.energy.gov/diversity/community-benefit-agreement-cba-toolkitwhi
- Fact Sheet: The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/11/06/fact-sheet-the-bipartisan-infrastructure-deal/
- Justice 40 Initiative: https://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/briefing-room/2021/12/02/delivering-on-justice40/
- Transportation Equity Project Prioritization Criteria: https://www.metroplanning.org/multimedia/publication/973
- Keli Kemp, AICP, PTP has almost 25 years of experience in transportation planning and consulting and co-founded Modern Mobility Partners in in early 2018 with Jennifer Zhan. Keli holds a M.S. degree in Urban Planning from Texas A&M University.
- Kirsten Mote, AICP has over 13 years of experience in transportation planning and most recently got certified by MIT’s Media Lab in their Beyond Smart Cities program. Kirsten holds a M.S. in City Planning from Georgia Tech.
Guest Host:
- Candace Foster is a transportation planner with Modern Mobility Partners. Candace holds a M.S. in City Planning from Georgia Tech.
Modern Mobility Partners is an Atlanta-based women and minority-owned transportation planning and engineering consulting firm. Service areas include transportation planning, travel demand modeling, traffic and revenue forecasting, project prioritization and performance measures, funding strategies and grant applications, all looking through a lens of new and emerging technologies.
If you are interested in learning more about Modern Mobility Partners, please visit www.modernmobilitypartners.com. If you are interested in becoming a guest on our podcast, please email podcast@modernmobilitypartners.com.
Sunday May 23, 2021
Ep. 3: 14 Steps to Planning for Rapidly Increasing E-Commerce
Sunday May 23, 2021
Sunday May 23, 2021
Episode Summary: Listen to national experts and certified planners, Keli Kemp and Kirsten Mote, both with Modern Mobility Partners, talk about what planners can do to plan for rapidly increasing e-commerce. Listeners will learn the following in this episode:
- What we mean by e-commerce
- 14 steps to planning for increasing e-commerce
- Data sources for freight planning
- Truck parking solutions
- Potential freight projects
- Potential funding strategies for implementing freight projects
- Download free cheat sheet of 14 steps to Planning for Rapidly Increasing E-Commerce at: modernmobilitypartners.com
- FHWA Jason’s Law Survey data https://ops.fhwa.dot.gov/freight/infrastructure/truck_parking/jasons_law/truckparkingsurvey/index.htm
- FHWA Truck Parking Demand Model (2002): https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/research/safety/01159/index.cfm
- FHWA Freight Office: https://ops.fhwa.dot.gov/freight/index.cfm
- FHWA National Coalition on Truck Parking: https://ops.fhwa.dot.gov/freight/infrastructure/truck_parking/workinggroups/index.htm
- Eastern Transportation Coalition (17 member states): https://tetcoalition.org/
- Keli Kemp, AICP, PTP has almost 25 years of experience in transportation planning and consulting and co-founded Modern Mobility Partners in in early 2018 with Jennifer Zhan. Keli holds a M.S. degree in Urban Planning from Texas A&M University.
- Kirsten Mote, AICP has over 13 years of experience in transportation planning and most recently got certified by MIT’s Media Lab in their Beyond Smart Cities program. Kirsten holds a M.S. in City Planning from Georgia Tech.
Modern Mobility Partners is an Atlanta-based women and minority-owned transportation planning and engineering consulting firm. Service areas include transportation planning, travel demand modeling, traffic and revenue forecasting, project prioritization and performance measures, funding strategies and grant applications, all looking through a lens of new and emerging technologies.
If you are interested in learning more about Modern Mobility Partners, please visit www.modernmobilitypartners.com. If you are interested in becoming a guest on our podcast, please email podcast@modernmobilitypartners.com.
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Ep. 2: 8 Steps to Planning for Electric Vehicles
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Episode Summary: Listen to national experts and certified planners, Keli Kemp and Kirsten Mote, both with Modern Mobility Partners, talk about what planners can do to plan for electric vehicles. Listeners will learn the following in this episode:
- The direction of electric vehicles
- Potential impacts of electric vehicles
- Role of transportation planners when it comes to electric vehicles
- 8 steps to planning for electric vehicles
- Download free cheat sheet of 8 steps to Planning for Electric Vehicles at: modernmobilitypartners.com
- Argonne National Laboratory: https://evolution.es.anl.gov/
- S. Department of Energy (USDOE) Alternative Fuels Data Center: https://afdc.energy.gov/
- Federal Highway Administration – Alternative Fuel Corridor information: http://altfueltoolkit.org/
- USDOE Alternative Fuels Data Center has information for MODs: https://afdc.energy.gov/fuels/electricity_charging_multi.html
- USDOE Electric Vehicle Inventory (EVI Pro Lite) tool: https://afdc.energy.gov/evi-pro-lite
- USDOE Alternative Fuels Database Center: https://afdc.energy.gov/laws/
- USDOE Clean Cities Coalition: https://cleancities.energy.gov/
- Funding opportunities: https://cleancities.energy.gov/funding-opportunities/
- Keli Kemp, AICP, PTP has almost 25 years of experience in transportation planning and consulting and co-founded Modern Mobility Partners in in early 2018 with Jennifer Zhan. Keli holds a M.S. degree in Urban Planning from Texas A&M University.
- Kirsten Mote, AICP has over 13 years of experience in transportation planning and most recently got certified by MIT’s Media Lab in their Beyond Smart Cities program. Kirsten holds a M.S. in City Planning from Georgia Tech.
Modern Mobility Partners is an Atlanta-based women and minority-owned transportation planning and engineering consulting firm. Service areas include transportation planning, travel demand modeling, traffic and revenue forecasting, project prioritization and performance measures, funding strategies and grant applications, all looking through a lens of new and emerging technologies.
If you are interested in learning more about Modern Mobility Partners, please visit www.modernmobilitypartners.com. If you are interested in becoming a guest on our podcast, please email podcast@modernmobilitypartners.com.
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Ep. 1: 10 Steps to Planning for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs)
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Episode Summary: Listen to national experts and certified planners, Keli Kemp and Kirsten Mote, both with Modern Mobility Partners, talk about what planners can do to plan for connected and autonomous vehicles. Listeners will learn the following in this episode:
• Difference between connected and autonomous vehicles
• What is V2V v. V2I
• Different levels of autonomous vehicles
• Potential impacts of autonomous vehicles
• Role of transportation planners when it comes to connected and autonomous vehicles
• 10 steps to planning for connected and autonomous vehicles
• Download free cheat sheet of 10 steps to Planning for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles at: www.modernmobilitypartners.com
• United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) 2021 Autonomous Vehicles Comprehensive Plan: https://www.transportation.gov/AV
• National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Automated Vehicle Transparency and Engagement for Safe Testing (TEST) Initiative, AV Test Tracking Tool: https://www.nhtsa.gov/automated-vehicles-safety/av-test-initiative-tracking-tool
• List of Connected Vehicle Applications at USDOT National Operations Center of Excellence: https://transportationops.org/connected-fleet-challenge/cvapplications
• List of Connected Vehicle Applications at USDOT ITS Joint Program Office: https://www.its.dot.gov/pilots/cv_pilot_apps.htm
• Keli Kemp, AICP, PTP has almost 25 years of experience in transportation planning and consulting and co-founded Modern Mobility Partners in in early 2018 with Jennifer Zhan. Keli holds a M.S. degree in Urban Planning from Texas A&M University.
• Kirsten Mote, AICP has over 13 years of experience in transportation planning and most recently got certified by MIT’s Media Lab in their Beyond Smart Cities program. Kirsten holds a M.S. in City Planning from Georgia Tech.
Modern Mobility Partners is an Atlanta-based women and minority-owned transportation planning and engineering consulting firm. Service areas include transportation planning, travel demand modeling, traffic and revenue forecasting, project prioritization and performance measures, funding strategies and grant applications, all looking through a lens of new and emerging technologies.
If you are interested in learning more about Modern Mobility Partners, please visit www.modernmobilitypartners.com. If you are interested in becoming a guest on our podcast, please email podcast@modernmobilitypartners.com.
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Trailer and Season 1 Overview
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Episode Summary: Listen to national experts and certified planners, Keli Kemp and Kirsten Mote, both with Modern Mobility Partners, talk about practical solutions for modern day transportation challenges. Listeners of this episode will learn what the new podcast is about and what episodes are planned for Season 1, including the following:
• Steps to Planning for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
• Steps to Planning for Electric Vehicles
• Steps to Planning for Increased E-Commerce
• Steps to Completing an INFRA or BUILD Grant Application
• Steps to Engaging People in the Transportation Planning Process that do Not Have Internet Access
• Steps to Planning for Potentially Sustained Increases in Teleworking after COVID-19
• Steps to Planning for Micromobility
• Steps to Planning More Inclusive and Equitable Transportation Systems
• Steps to Demonstrating the Economic Benefits of Investing in Transportation
• Steps to Planning Resilient Transportation Systems
• Steps to Planning for Prime Real Estate - The Curb
• Steps to Planning for Parking in a Changing Transportation Ecosystem
A 1-page cheat sheet of steps for each episode will be available for free download at www.modernmobilitypartners.com.
• Keli Kemp, AICP, PTP has almost 25 years of experience in transportation planning and consulting and co-founded Modern Mobility Partners in in early 2018 with Jennifer Zhan. Keli holds a M.S. degree in Urban Planning from Texas A&M University.
• Kirsten Mote, AICP has over 13 years of experience in transportation planning and most recently got certified by MIT’s Media Lab in their Beyond Smart Cities program. Kirsten holds a M.S. in City Planning from Georgia Tech.
Modern Mobility Partners is an Atlanta-based women and minority-owned transportation planning and engineering consulting firm. Service areas include transportation planning, travel demand modeling, traffic and revenue forecasting, project prioritization and performance measures, funding strategies and grant applications, all looking through a lens of new and emerging technologies.
If you are interested in learning more about Modern Mobility Partners, please visit www.modernmobilitypartners.com. If you are interested in becoming a guest on our podcast, please email podcast@modernmobilitypartners.com.